All posts filed under: Challenge your fears

A friend you never want to meet in Public!

Fear is an antonym to happiness! All language Nazis would kill me for this, but let me clarify what I am going to talk to you about today. I am referring to the way we receive these two emotions. We want to embrace happiness with our arms, foot, and toes and fear…..well, Fear is fear. We dread it. We don’t want it. Fear is that friend we never want to meet in public. All my life I have faced several fears. And each one has been an experience of a lifetime. Though I would cover them in later posts, today I am going to introduce you to my beloved fear:  The fear of big cities! This parasite is usually found in species that dwell into small cities, towns and villages. I felt like no David to take on to this Goliath and would have rather escaped, if I had a choice. I am glad i did not. I wanted to grow and this made my first encounter with a big city. The journey did not …

I feel scared

  How many times in our lives would we have told ourselves – “I feel scared” I guess a plenty times, esp. when we would have decided to take the path or make that decision which we know will not be socially approved or would attract a lot of attention with whispering voices and widened eyes. Yes, all the above is scary, but only until you visualize it in your head. Once you decide that this is it, this is what I will do with my life, things become easier. You gain strength and peace to ignore or answer the slurring tongues. I always fight in my head thinking – “Why the hell does anyone in this world care what I want to do with my life?” And then I realize that it is just a futile exercise. You cannot change the world, but you can change yourself. We feel scared not because we want to follow our hearts but because we are scared to face the side effects of it. It’s like experiencing the …

Old has to go to make space for new

I was tired of looking at my wardrobe. Same old clothes, same style, same colors, no freshness. And so I decided to throw away all my old clothes (to be honest I kept a couple to use them for house cleaning :-p ) so that I can go shopping and sort of ramp up my closet. I was thrilled and excited, though a little sad when I had to part with a couple of night dresses which were my partner since ages (college nostalgia). But overall the feeling was that of happiness. The radio was playing in the background and the RJ mentioned about a book called Shiva Trilogy (it’s been quite talked about these days in Indian Media). I have kept away from this book because it’s mythology, of which I am not a big fan. So, this lady on radio talked about a very interesting concept that the book defines – “destruction is necessary for the new life to come”! Wow! And I felt I had this moment of truth with a halo …