All posts tagged: fear

A friend you never want to meet in Public!

Fear is an antonym to happiness! All language Nazis would kill me for this, but let me clarify what I am going to talk to you about today. I am referring to the way we receive these two emotions. We want to embrace happiness with our arms, foot, and toes and fear…..well, Fear is fear. We dread it. We don’t want it. Fear is that friend we never want to meet in public. All my life I have faced several fears. And each one has been an experience of a lifetime. Though I would cover them in later posts, today I am going to introduce you to my beloved fear:  The fear of big cities! This parasite is usually found in species that dwell into small cities, towns and villages. I felt like no David to take on to this Goliath and would have rather escaped, if I had a choice. I am glad i did not. I wanted to grow and this made my first encounter with a big city. The journey did not …

The day I shed my shyness

It’s quite contrary, I am a marketer and marketers by definition are supposed to be outgoing and extroverts. However I have an alter ego trapped inside that is introvert to the core and lurks now and then. Being introvert is not a curse or is not a bad thing, it’s just that you enjoy being alone, you enjoy your space and find lesser crowds and lesser conversations more productive (I guess every introvert feels the same  🙂 , but being an introvert becomes harmful when it starts getting into your way of exploring hundreds thousands things surrounding you which you do not explore because you don’t make much conversations, not meet many people, not take part in group activities etc etc. I have somehow always acknowledged the setback that came with my inherent nature, but was too lazy to really act on it unless the day I decided to push my horizon. Blogging brought me to a whole new world of interesting writers/speakers and people in general who are thinking great and sharing ideas around …