All posts tagged: happiness

Look out of the window

  I wrote this post to ease the pain in my heart. I am finding something amiss for the last few days. This happens once in a while when I get too occupied with my work and household responsibilities. Today I am happy because couple of months back I found the courage to follow my heart. I quit my luxurious corporate job and I now work for a startup that supports small farmers. As I write this post, I am sitting in a canteen of a tribal development center, in the interiors of Gujarat. The sun has set and I only hear some folk music in the background. Whenever I travel to places away from home I connect to my mind and soul. I ask them if they are happy. But today my soul said that it has missed that one thing I have always loved – sharing my experiences through my blog. Few months back when I had not quit my job, I used to read a lot and blog. Then, I wasn’t too busy but …

Sharing Love

What can be a better time than this week, to begin a small initiative – “Sharing Love”. All of us have learnt or acquired something in life that can be shared with others. This might inspire them, help them or just give them a moment of happiness. Via “Sharing Love” I will make an effort to make someone happy. This week, because it is the week of Love (Read: Valentine’s Day), I am making Free memorable Wallpapers! Missing your partner, spouse, love of your life or simply want to freeze a memory on your phone or laptop – this is how I will make your moment of love & inspiration come true: 1. Send me your favorite picture – this could be your picture with your Valentine, your Pet, your BFF or a picture that has always inspired you 2. Share in few words what made that moment special or a quick story behind the picture (can be as short as your Twitter or Facebook post) 3. I will make a wallpaper of this picture …

2 cents of wisdom – Humans

Humans are funny! No, No, Don’t smile, I am damn serious! Being a human ourselves, we do not understand what goes through those tiny little objects called brains, of others.  We might react in the same way, in a similar situation, like what others would. Still, we find our own conclusions, deductions and analyze the reaction of others to such an extent, that after few hours we forget the starting point of the shit long analysis! I was watching a play at Prithvi Theater (one of the most renowned theaters in Mumbai) where two men sitting next to each other (the scene depicted a riot scenario before India’s independence) in a train, are not talking to each other. They are giving each other stolen looks but they don’t talk. At all. Why? Because they were scared of each other! On days, I have observed ( I guess more so in bigger cities) that people don’t talk to each other. I wonder at times, that are we all robin hoods or the prime minister of India …

I feel scared

  How many times in our lives would we have told ourselves – “I feel scared” I guess a plenty times, esp. when we would have decided to take the path or make that decision which we know will not be socially approved or would attract a lot of attention with whispering voices and widened eyes. Yes, all the above is scary, but only until you visualize it in your head. Once you decide that this is it, this is what I will do with my life, things become easier. You gain strength and peace to ignore or answer the slurring tongues. I always fight in my head thinking – “Why the hell does anyone in this world care what I want to do with my life?” And then I realize that it is just a futile exercise. You cannot change the world, but you can change yourself. We feel scared not because we want to follow our hearts but because we are scared to face the side effects of it. It’s like experiencing the …

5 bits of wisdom from my visit to an old age home

Jeevan Asha (in English it means Hope for Life) is a home for aged and orphans in Mumbai. I got connected with this organization through my company during one of the CSR initiatives. In the past whenever I had the opportunity to volunteer for old age homes and orphanage, I have collected fond memories and some wonderful learning’s. Though I never got the opportunity to pen them down, this time I decided to share my experience through my blog. Here i am presenting a photo brief of my experience, but you can read the full story here – 5 things i learned from my visit to an old age home The 5 bits of wisdom: 1. Happiness is a state of mind 2. People don’t need gifts or money, they need your time 3. Help people, strangers too – that’s humanity 4. How we bid a farewell to the world is in our hands 5. Love your parents